Local links
Here are a few local links for sites of local people that I recommend you visit:
First, if you are based in Peakirk then you need the village website. Even if you aren’t it is a good way to see what is on, and you’d be welcome at any of the events!
Home of one of my out apiaries, and also the farm shop where most of my honey goes. The shop stocks their own reared beef and lamb, as well as a whole range of other meat and vegetables. Run by Judith and Andrew Jacobs they are well worth a visit.
Langdyke TrustHome of another of my out apiaries, the Langdyke Countryside Trust was founded in 1999 to face up to the catalogue of natural loss, to stop simply worrying about what this meant for our countryside, and get on and do something about it. Four local residents set up the Trust with the specific intention of reversing decades of habitat and species loss and to celebrate and conserve our natural world.
If this blog has got you interested in beekeeping and you are in the Peterborough area then pop over to the Peterborough Beekeepers website.
It’s full of useful info and contacts, you could even take a course in the spring or summer.